Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mysterious Transmissions

image source: Shortwave Espionage

Numbers Stations are short wave radio stations that feature mysterious broadcasts of mechanical voices reciting strings of seemingly random numbers, clips from songs, buzzing noises & more. Their purpose is unknown, though it is suspected that they serve as a relay for encrypted messages to later be decoded by intelligence agents using one time pads.

After reading the Wired article on UVB-76, I've spent the evening going from one link to another, gathering my favorites below.

Secrets in the Static An overview of number stations from Esquire Magazine by Julian Pepitone

Inside the Russian Short Wave Radio Enigma An article by Peter Savodnik from Wired on UVB-76, a disputed number station-like oddity from Russia that has been broadcasting for decades. It has developed a world wide cult of listeners, along w/ numerous theories on its purpose. A blog which hosts an audio feed & archive of the station from the Wired article.

Lincolnshire Poacher Wikipedia page on a now defunct numbers station believed to have been run by the British Secret Intelligence Service.

Profile of the Lincolnshire Poacher A BBC Radio 4 program on number stations in general, w/ a focus on the Licolnshire Poacher.

The Conet Project A great set of recordings of number stations via These brought more awareness to numbers stations after being sampled on Wilco's 2001 record Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

Shortwave Espionage A mother lode of photographs, articles & links pertaining to numbers stations & espionage.